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Writer's pictureKatie

How to Take Healthy Eating Beyond the Table

Once you’ve hit that 6 month mark and start introducing new foods to your baby, it’s every parent’s goal to try and teach their little one about healthy food. We try multiple options to test and train their palettes with purees, mushes, and more. Yet, no matter how hard we try, we are still met with resistance, or worse as they get older and start tasting all the sugary, cheesy snacks their preferences rapidly shift away from veggies and towards the goodies. Picky eaters quickly emerge and meal time can become a major struggle every day. Just like it is with adults, the easiest way to stay healthy at the table, is to make it a part of multiple aspects of our lives.


Think about the trend of avocado, in the last decade, the consumption of avocado in the US has increased by 79%. Concurrently, avos have been much more prevalent outside of the grocery store or your favorite Mexican restaurants guacamole.  Now, almost every coffee shop has avo toast, avocado ice cream is a thing and fresh accessories, toys, and more frequent our everyday lives. ​


The effect? We eat more avocado! Our brains are trained by frequency, the more we see avocados out and about, the more we want to eat them too. Think of what we can do as a culture by taking all our favorite fruits and veggies and giving them the same attention outside of the dining room or kitchen.

This very concept, is what inspired the creation of Little Foodie’s apparel and gift collection and we were so excited to see that there are more companies out there with the same mission!


We met Allyson over at Pleni Naturals through instagram and were blown away by her non-toxic, organic skincare line, made from real fruits and veggies with a mission to spark a lifelong love for wholesome foods for toddlers and babies across the country.

Although a 6 month old may not internalize exactly what a cucumber smells like or read the letters on their shirt, the habits and associations we are forming today away from the table, can build lasting healthy choices by making kalebroccoli and sweet potatoes just as fun in the bath and on the playground as they are on the table.

To CELERYbrate all things fruit and veggies, we have partnered with Pleni Naturals for an epic giveaway (valued over $100). To enter, head over to our Instagram and find the photo below to find all the details for your chance to win! 



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